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Shelly Heggs

Thank you for continuing to share your lives with us! I look forward to hearing and reading how the girls - or should I say Princesses Emma, P. and Belle)and you are doing!
I think and pray for you all often.
Your strength inspires me.
Much love to you and your family from ours!
Shelly, Steve, April, Rachel and Sam


Just looking at the pictures throughout the blog, you can really tell how much the the girls have grown. Peighton looks so much bigger, as does Emma. Even Belle has grown!

Have a good Wednesday...we're halfway to the weekend!


Glad to hear Belle is doing so well! Our cat too got out on St. Patty's Day and thank goodness he stayed around and came back the next morning. It was panic though as I too thought what would I say to my son. Good luck with the declawing. Ours was back to normal after a couple of days. Make sure to use Yesterday's News for litter as they can't use normal clay litter for a couple weeks afterwards. So glad to hear you have extra help with the girls. You are doing a wonderful job!!!

Jennifer Teegarden MD


Such a cute pic of Emma & Belle! Glad to hear that you are doing well and have found someone to help care for your daughters. You all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers daily.


Andrea K

I'm Shawndra Turner's sister and I wanted to thank you for inspiring all of us during her diagnosis and treatment with your and Jennifer's blog. I would have loved to have met Jennifer, she sounds like such an incredible person. We currently live in TX and have had such a hard time being far away from Shawndra. Since she started her blog, it has helped us feel much more connected. We are actually moving to KC in May. Hope that our paths may cross soon. We continue to pray for you and your 2 beautiful girls that God has so blessed you with. Know that you, too, are inspiring. Take care of yourself!!
With love and prayer,
Andrea Kristoff


That is wonderful that you have found someone to help out with the girls and the house! I sure hope it works out and you are able to get back into the groove of things. That is a gorgeous picture of Emma. She really looks like you in that picture. Very pretty! Thanks for continuing to share with us. Your strength and spirits is incredibly inspiring to me.

Allyson Ellis

Chris - I have been reading your blog and learned of you and your family thru Shawndra Turner's blog. I really don't know Shawndra other than she and Doug purchased our home last May.

You truly are an inspiration...and how lucky Jennifer was to have you were to have her. Your children are precious. I think of you and your girls often...and will keep you all in my prayers...

Allyson Ellis

Dinah Wonderly

Now Belle has some long legs and large feet, will she grow into them I wonder?... she is beautiful.... What a nice picture of Emma and Belle. Congrats on the new nanny, sounds all good.

God Bless you and yours. Dinah

Peggy Patrick

Dear Chris & Family,
Love the new pictures. I'm glad you found someone to help out, this will help you so much and I'm sure you need a break too. It looks like Belle is fitting in perfect with the girls. I think of you all each and everyday, and prayers are always coming your way. God Bless you!!! Peggy


Please, please, please don't declaw your cat. Is it too late? There are many humane alternatives to this brutal and deforming operation. This is illegal in most other countries for a very good reason.
Please do a simple search on google and educate yourself before you do this.

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