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Anne Hays

How ironic is i that your girl and Shawndra Turner's girl both have/had broken arms and more specifically the humerus. I really hope she makes as fast a recovery as Shawndra's girl.

My thoughts are always with your family and your blog is an inspiration every day.


Jennifer Teegarden MD

So sorry to hear about Peighton's broken arm, but I am glad she is not in pain and looks to be happy and having fun playing. Hopefully she can get a fun color for her cast. Hope you all have a fun and safe weekend! Sending prayers as always!


Sherri P

What a brave sweetheart! As you say, she must have inherited her Mother's strength and spirit. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Paulette Clements

Poor little Princess P! My son broke his ankle last month and for him the emotional pain of having to sit out for his sports hurt him more than the physical pain! It amazes me how they bounce back!
Take Care!


Poor baby! I hope everything looks ok today and it can just heal naturally! Cute picture she looks happy!


It's amazing how children seem to be back to their normal self in no time. By seeing the picture, she does not seem to be down and out by no means. If she is anything like my 2 year old, she will love the cast and being able to draw on herslef without getting in trouble!

Amanda True

Peighton and her new friend look so cute in that picture. She has such a pretty smile. Fortunately, neither of my girls have had that experience. (I am knocking on wood as I type)It looks like Peighton will get through this with no problem. It is amazing how tough kids are when it comes to pain. I hope everything goes well at CM today!

Have a great weekend.

Marcie Mason

I hope Princess P is still feeling ok. She is just so darn cute! Both girls are! My boys are 5 and 6 and oh how I miss the sweetness and innocence of Peightons age. Cherish and remember every day you can, they grow up so quick. Sorry my husband and I couldn't commit this early to the crawl for cancer, we are very disappointed (my husband coaches our kids and their schedules aren't out yet). Maybe as soon as schedules come out we might have a little time to go directly through their website and enroll a team in Jens honor. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you and the girls. I hope you all have a great weekend!


Sheila Reimer

I have read your blog for a long time now and pray for you and your family lots. When I read your blog today about your daughters arm I could connect with you on it b/c my 2 year old son broke his arm in 2 places about 6 months ago. Don't worry at all it doesn't seem to slow them down--I actually think we as parents worry more than they do about it. It took a little longer than what they said about getting the cast off but now he is doing great. Good Luck and God Bless.

Nicole- Louisville, KY

Oh my goodness....that doesn't sound like fun. I am glad to hear that P is handling it well. What a fighter...we all know where that came from. Well, I hope all is well and wishing you all a great weekend. Know that people are still praying for your family.

Joanna Huskins


I just wanted to say hi to you and the girls. I still read the blog just about every day and have been meaning to comment for quite some time but get so wrapped up in reading other comments and all the other blogs of cancer patients. By the time I get there to comment its time to get the girls ready for bed! Hope yall have a great weekend!

Shelly Heggs

Anxious to hear how Princess Peighton is doing.....and I'm sure her big sister, Princess Emma is helping take care of her. :-)
Can you believe those beautiful eyes! Your girls are adorable!
Take care!
Love, Shelly and family

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