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Glad to hear everyone is doing well! Why wouldn't Emma be Little Miss Popular with that sweet little smile! :) Have a great rest of the week and super Easter! I'm sure Belle will be running around like usual in a couple days.


Glad to hear you all are doing well. The girls are so cute and the quick stories you tell are always fun to read. Jennifer will be watching over you all as you celebrate Peighton's 2nd bday this weekend...I'm sure signs will be all around that she is with you all! Enjoy the weekend with the bday and Easter! God bless and always know you are in my thoughts and prayers daily.


Glad to hear everyone is still doing well. And with Little Miss Popular...would you expect anything less? Both the girls seem like they would be great. Have fun on Saturday celebrating Peighton's birthday. Jennifer will be with you smiling...look for those signs!

C. Baker

Great to hear you are all hanging in there---Your kids sound great!!!


Just wanting you to know that I am thinking of you and the girls. Happy early Birthday day to P! Take Care!

Catherine Franssens

Chris - thanks for your regular updates. I still enjoy checking up on all of you. I'll continue to pray for all of you. Many blessings to you!

Allyson Ellis

You have an amazing spirit...thanks for always putting perspective on what life is really about! And, thank you for letting those you don't know into the special part of your life. We really do appreciate the updates!



I too have been reading this blog for quite some time, but do not know you and your family. I have wanted to write, but I never felt like anything that I could say could or would amount to anything in the scope of what has been laid upon you and your family. I just keep praying for you and I think of Jennifer often. I have two boys the exact same age as your children and the only thing I can say is that I cannot imagine the faith and courage Jennifer must have had in those final days. I still find myself going back and looking at her picture because her smile is so contagious. I know that God is watching over you, he will not forsake you. Please know that you are in many, many prayers and will not be forgotten.
In His Love and mine,

Jennifer Teegarden

Chris, Emma & Peighton,

I hope that you & your family have a very Happy Easter and that you enjoy time spent with each other. Continuing to think of you and your family every day and you are all in my thoughts & prayers.


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